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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

SCAPE launches £4bn frameworks to unlock low carbon utilities infrastructure

The frameworks have been created to provide clients with access to specialist contractors capable of helping them to deliver the low carbon energy, transport and water infrastructure needed to meet sustainability targets and serve community needs in the years ahead.

The frameworks will enable the delivery of projects across a variety of sectors including docks, ports and harbours, rail and metro’s, aviation, water, renewables, energy (gas and electricity, including maintenance), and telecommunications.

Each sector has an important role to play in the UK’s green transition, from enabling new grid connections that facilitate the integration of renewables and protect the country’s energy supply for the future, to connecting communities and unlocking growth through new rail projects and enhanced coastal infrastructure, such as ports and harbours.

Commitment to sustainability and social value

The delivery partners appointed to the new frameworks share SCAPE’s commitment to sustainability and social value, which will underpin each project delivered through the new frameworks. With a framework duration of four years and an option to extend for a further four, this represents a significant opportunity to create a long-term, positive impact.

Efficient procurement

The direct award Utilities frameworks operate a parallel lotting structure, which gives clients a choice of industry-leading contractors, ensuring efficient procurement that demonstrates value for money.

SCAPE is a member of, and actively seeking verification through, Constructing the Gold Standard pilot scheme, an integrated and collaborative scheme facilitated by Constructing Excellence, designed to improve value, reduce risk and improve sustainability through public sector frameworks. SCAPE is also accredited with Carbon Code Champion status; the highest level of compliance to the Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment.

The new utilities frameworks complement SCAPE’s suite of consultancy, civil engineering and construction frameworks.

The SCAPE Utilities frameworks have been created to support better-connected communities, future-proof national infrastructure and scale-up green energy projects that support the use of renewables. These new frameworks will help clients accelerate the works and services needed to support a low-carbon economy in the years to come. As with all our frameworks, enhanced social value will underpin every project, ensuring we leave a positive, sustainable legacy within each community.

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