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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Almost £3m funding for Hull roads including Freetown Way to 'improve flow' of traffic

The funding comes as part of a multi-million Government project to redesign roads to help improve safety and traffic and cut congestion and emissions

Almost £3m in Government funding is set to be used to improve the flow and safety of traffic on Hull roads including along Freetown Way, the council has said.

Hull City Council official Garry Taylor said plans were being drawn up for how they would use the Department for Transport Safer Roads Fund money. The assistant director of major projects said: "We welcome the news of this funding which will help us improve the flow and safety of our roads, we will begin engaging with residents once we have designs available."

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said the funding would come as part of £5.1m for cities across Yorkshire and the Humber to boost safety and cut congestion and emissions. The funding for Hull and the region comes as part of a Government package worth £47.5m for investments in road redesigns and improvements over the next 20 years nationally.

The Department for Transport estimates the funding could prevent 750 deaths and serious injuries on what it said were the highest risk roads. The Hull grant is among those made for 27 new projects which are set to include re-designing junctions, improving signage and road markings.

The Hull stretch earmarked for funding runs along Freetown Way, or the A165, from the A1079 or Ferensway. It also covers the stretch of the A165 over the River Hull, along Holderness Road to the East Riding border.

The funding stands at a total of £2,990,625. The transport secretary said the funding was the first crucial step in helping councils to improve roads.

Mr Harper said: "Britain’s roads are some of the safest in the world, but we are always looking at ways to help keep motorists and all road users safer. This £5.1m injection for cities across Yorkshire and Humber ensures local councils have the support they need to keep everyone safe, while also reducing congestion and emissions."

The Road Safety Foundation's Executive Director Dr Suzy Charman said the funding would allow councils to proactively reduce risks on local roads. The director said: "Systematic changes have already had a big impact on road death and serious injury, for example seatbelts and airbags protect lives when crashes happen.

"In the same way we can design roads so that when crashes happen people can walk away, by clearing or protecting roadsides, putting in cross hatching to add space between vehicles, providing safer junctions like roundabouts or adding signalisation or turning pockets, and including facilities for walking and cycling."

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