WJ Group celebrates the successful completion of the second Managing Skid Resistance – The Facts and the Friction event, which it co-sponsored with WDM.
Held in Perth, Scotland on April 19th, the event hosted by the Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) and Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS) set out to foster understanding and promote discussion on the management of skid resistance amongst all levels of road maintenance service professionals.
Delegates from Scottish local authorities and transport services, including inspectors, technicians, engineers and managers, convened to focus on monitoring, improving and maintaining skid resistance to reduce accidents, implement policies, and minimise carbon emissions.
The seminar was chaired by Martin McLaughlin, Engineering & Programme Manager at Transport Scotland. The Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) further supported the event, granting the seminar CPD-certified status.
Keynote speaker, Martin Polland, Network Manager North at Transport Scotland and IHE President, opened the day, which featured a diverse line-up of speakers from Transport Scotland, Zurich Insurance.
Others also shared valuable insights on skid policies, the measurement and management of skid resistance, skid-resistant design, and sustainable surface treatments.
Kevin Dunn, Pavements Manager at Amey, discussed retexturing and explained how these solutions effectively enhance skid resistance and extend road network life without a significant carbon impact. Consultant to the WJ Group, Steve McGilchrist, presented ‘High Friction Surface Treatment – Time for a Reappraisal’, which revisited the importance of using high friction surfacing in critical locations to improve skid resistance, reduce braking distances, and save lives. Steve also co-presented a session on ‘Factors Influencing In-Service Skid Resistance’ with Andy Stevenson of WDM.
Paul Boss, CEO, of the RSTA gave a presentation entitled ‘Sustainable Surface Treatments for Managing your Skid Risk.’ Other topics covered during the seminar included Transport Scotland’s skid policy implementation and skid-resistant design, the LASR Initiative for prioritizing skid resistance, safety performance functions in the USA, predictive maintenance, and the management of risk for highway operators by Zurich Insurance.
“The event was well-attended and we were delighted with the engagement from all the delegates who were keen on finding out how a safer and more sustainable road network can be delivered across Scotland,” said WJ Scotland General Manager Brian Smith.