On Wednesday, VolkerHighways held an Innovation Day at the Madejski Stadium, Reading FC. Supply chain partners, local authority representatives and private-sector clients were invited to the event to showcase the latest on social value, electric vehicle charge points, carbon reduction and digital roads.
As well as asset management and the latest market-leading materials, products, machinery, equipment and solutions as the highway industry navigates its way to net zero.
During the morning, we heard from VolkerHighways experts, and industry leading key-note speakers. Coventry City Council updated us on their current and future strategies for transportation including electric vehicles and beyond. Day Aggregates on secondary and recycled materials. TRL presented innovative solutions to the digitisation of local roads. We also heard from Greener Highways.
Their aim is to aid the sustainable approach to highway construction and maintenance through education. Such as sustainable initiatives, products services and operations across the highway sector. They have provided an industry wide hub and membership body for sharing best practices on our collaborative road to net zero.
The room was also filled by many of our supply chain partners who had the opportunity to share their products and services on the latest innovations, all of which focus on moving the transport sector into the future.
In addition, there was an outside area where the latest carbon-reduction technology, innovative safety equipment and plant was demonstrated, which all have a positive effect on our environment and the people working and living in it.
The event was attended by over 100 people, including 30 supply chain partners and representatives from 15 clients. We would like to thank our supply chain partners and clients for supporting us on the day.
It’s truly great to hear and see what can be achieved when we work together!