Via East Midlands have become the second local authority to become a member of Safer Highways.
Safer Highways and Via East Midlands will work together collaboratively to communicate the work of the organisation in this area through the local authority space as we continue to strive to improve conditions around health, safety and wellbeing for the men and women we put to work.
Via East Midlands manages over 4,100km of highway network for Nottinghamshire County Council, whilst also carrying out works for private sector and other public sector bodies. They employ over 650 staff in seven office and depot locations across Nottinghamshire.
Via provides a broad range of highways and fleet management services, covering highway maintenance and improvement projects, environmental improvements, structures, street lighting, traffic signals, drainage, arboricultural works, emergency response, training services, winter maintenance and road safety.
The move follows a clear intention by Safer Highways to ensure that its vision for safer road workers, safer road user, is applied to the local as well as the strategic highway network.
Kevin Robinson, Chief Executive of Safer Highways said:
"We welcome the opportunity to work with such a proactive and forward-thinking organisation such as VIA East Midlands and I am pleased to see safety, health and wellbeing is an important part of its strategy moving forward. As with everything in our industry collaboration and open conversations are key to keeping our people safe.”
Adding to Mr Robinson‘s comments Doug Coutts, Managing Director of VIA East Midlands said,
“The safety, health and wellbeing of our workforce is paramount and I am very pleased that Via East Midlands has become an associate member of Safer Highways. We will be able to benefit from, and add contributions to, the various programmes and campaigns that Safer Highways actively promotes, sharing best practice and stimulating collaborative working. Being part of this renowned organisation will present us with a great opportunity to work with industry leading contractors, local authorities and other bodies to further drive safety improvements and enhancements across the local authority highway network to the benefit of all.”