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Title announced for the second 'When I Grow Up' book

Second book to launch on World Book Day entitled, 'The Big Build'.

Following on from the phoenominal success of the initial publication, the second 'When I Grow Up' book, entitled 'The Big Build' will launch on World Book day, 2nd March.

Since it’s unveiling at the Safer Highways supported, Highways Heroes awards, When I Grow Up has gone from strength to strength which now see’s the resources made available to the tens of thousands of children that have experienced the story.

‘When I Grow Up’ follows twins Harry and Amy who are considering their future professions as part of their school careers day competition. The story covers a range of engineering activities and demonstrates to children that without the hard work of those in the construction industry, many other jobs would not be possible.

The purpose of the book is to inspire school children and engage with STEM subjects from a young age, building an appreciation in young minds that our industry underpins almost everything. The story captures children’s imagination through its colourful illustrations and rhyming verse.

Author, Rich Smith commented “What started as an idea for a children’s story has led us to where we are today and the number of children impacted really does grow by the day!”

Already the book has been supported by a phenomenal number of Safer Highways members including ATM and Hardstaff Barriers as well as a phoenominal 382 copies going to childminders in the Hertfordshire area alone.

These have been developed alongside a series of online resources, in line with The National Literacy Trust.

They range in difficulty to allow everyone to get involved and have been designed to deepen children’s understanding of the When I Grow Up story and create a bond with the characters.

For more information and to request a copy of the original publication visit

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