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Road users urged to Look Again as road safety campaign launches

"Look Again" is our simple message, as we launch our road safety campaign for 2024.

Look Again

Starting today (18 March) and running until the end of the month, the focus of this year's campaign is to remind all motorists of their ability and responsibility to make our roads safer by taking simple actions.

This can be from taking an extra second to ensure the road is clear before pulling out at a junction to adjusting your speed when driving in a busy town centre or having an extra look in all of your mirrors before executing a manoeuvre.

These actions could save your life and that of other road users.

Your attention to the road could be distracted by a number of factors, including your phone, the radio, adjusting the temperature, passengers, other road users, something happening on the other side of the road or even your own thoughts.

You might not even realise that you've lost your focus, but it only takes a split second for the situation on the road around you to change. Just one quick glance away could mean that you miss something vital, such as a change in speed limit, a vehicle suddenly braking in front of you or a hazard in the road.

Throughout the campaign, we will be sharing some hints, tips and advice on how to stay focused and safe on the road.

We will also be talking to some Staffordshire residents whose lives have been irreparably changed by serious and fatal collisions. They will bravely share their stories and candidly describe the impact that life-changing injuries and death caused by dangerous and irresponsible drivers has had.

Superintendent Matt Derrick, from our Roads Policing Unit, said: "2023 saw 45 people tragically lose their lives in road collisions and there will be many more who have suffered serious injuries.

"These not only affect the people involved, but also those closest to them. One single mistake can ruin dozens of lives and we are grateful to those who are sharing their emotional stories with us.

"In equipping all road users with the best knowledge and advice around road safety, we, ultimately, we want to limit everyone's chances of ever being involved in a collision.

"Motorists should only drive within their capability and exercise great care, consideration and responsibility at all times.

"When you're on the road, please remember to Look Again."

Supt Derrick will be available for interview on the morning of Wednesday 20 March.

Our Look Again campaign is being supported by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Ian Read, Head of Prevent, Protect and Partnerships at Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "We share Staffordshire Police's aim of raising awareness of the actions that drivers can take to reduce the risk of a road traffic collision.

"As firefighters, we are regularly called to attend collisions in order to rescue people from their vehicles and, like our colleagues in the other emergency services, we witness far too often the heartbreaking consequences of these incidents.

"I would like to urge all road users to drive with courtesy and consideration, so that everyone reaches their destination safely.

"Always give the road your full attention and travel appropriately for the road and conditions.

"Every driver has a part to play in making our roads safer for everyone."

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