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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways


At the start of this month, the team at Rennicks braved the hike up Mount Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales. Both our Dublin and UK teams came together to raise vital funds for Barretstown, a fantastic charity that does amazing work in Ireland and the UK, offering residential and outreach therapeutic recreation programs for children and their families living with a serious illness.

All of the children and families go to Barretstown free of charge – everything from food and medical assistance to accommodation is provided at no cost to the family. Rennicks have a close connection with this charity and the team will follow this up with a day of volunteering at Barretstown on 8th September.

The team took a popular circular route, going up the Pyg track (7 miles/11km), and down the Miners track (8 miles/13km). It was a steep start and a strenuous hike but well worth it for the views and funds raised.

Barry Marron, Managing Director at Rennicks, said: “It was a privilege for us to bring the team together to support Barretstown.

While the hike was a physical and at times mental challenge, we are proud to say that we got our team of 12 up and down safely.

The weather even smiled on us, at times revealing the full splendour of Snowdonia. While the feet have recovered, the memories of a special day live on. A big well done to the team and importantly a big thanks to all our generous sponsors who have enabled us to exceed our £5,000 fundraising target.”

The team have raised a total of £5,453 to date. All donations are gratefully received. Please click here if you would like to donate and support the cause.

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