A new pilot scheme asking residents for feedback on resurfacing works has gone live, allowing people in Nottinghamshire to share their views on highways works.
Nottinghamshire County Council’s microasphalting programme, delivered by Via East Midlands, is helping to improve road surfaces at over 60 locations across the county and residents will now have the opportunity to feed back on their experience of the works.
Councillor Neil Clarke MBE, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment visited Kirk Close in Chilwell to see the works in action and talk about the new initiative.
You Tube video link: https://youtu.be/NYeOf3Pm-L4
Residents in areas where highways works are taking place currently receive letters explaining how they will be affected and what they need to do to prepare. As part of the pilot, letters will go one step further by featuring QR codes and a link to a survey where residents can answer eight simple questions to share their experience of the works.
Residents can also click through to watch a short video about what to expect and read more about the works taking place.
Initial feedback has been positive, and the county council will be rolling this feedback pilot out more widely across other highways schemes over the coming months.
Councillor Neil Clarke MBE, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment said: “This is one of many new ways we are exploring to get feedback from our customers. One of the key recommendations in the Highways Improvement Plan was to engage more effectively with residents and local communities in letting them know when work will be taking place. We also want residents to really feel they are being listened to and that their feedback is important to help us to continue to improve our services and communications.
“Your views are vital to continue improving your roads and pavements in Nottinghamshire and we are looking at ways to expand this pilot project in due course to get a greater range of feedback on our work.”
Original source article: https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/newsroom/news/nottinghamshire-residents-views-sought-as-new-road