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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways


For Multevo’s first ‘highways hero’ of 2023, the team caught up with Amelia Wilkinson, Arborist, to discuss why more women should consider a career within the industry.

Amelia, who is 19 years old, joined Multevo as an Arborist in August 2022, supporting their arboriculture division with a range of professional tree services across the rural and strategic network. As a lover of being outdoors, Amelia worked on her Grandad’s farm for many years which led her into the career she is in today.

Within just 6 months of being with the business, Amelia’s eagerness to develop her skills has seen her obtain new qualifications in strimming, wood chipping and MEWP operation, which has vastly increased her capabilities in supporting service delivery.

Her enthusiasm hasn’t gone unnoticed, with her being recognised by several colleagues for her hard work and passion in delivering a high-quality service to Multevo’s customers and going above and beyond daily to support her teammates. This made it a no brainer to celebrate her as a ‘highways hero’ and showcase women in the industry.

Daniel Howe, Contracts Manager for Arboriculture at Multevo comments:

“Amelia is living proof that young females can have a successful career in the industry, with her keen to progress to a supervisor level in the future. Her work ethic is second to none and she has become an integral part of the success of the division.” “I’m looking forward to seeing her progression with Multevo, she is a rising star and one to watch in the industry.”
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