From 12 April councils have been able to use the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) website to apply for a share of the £15 million of extra money which has been allocated to supplement existing local authority spending on the upgrade and maintenance of traffic signals and associated equipment.
LCRIG is working with the Department for Transport to gather information for the allocation of traffic signals maintenance grant funding for 2021/22.
More than 100 councils have accessed the portal and over 30 have started to make their submission. Councils have until next Thursday (7 May) to complete their application.
Speaking at LCRIG’s #AsktheDft event earlier this week, Darren Capes – ITS Policy Lead, Traffic and Technology Division – told the audience that the application process is designed to be simple and straightforward and that it involves authorities providing evidence of the policies they have in place for using their traffic signals, existing maintenance programmes and their aspirations for the future.
The assessment of submissions will start after the closing date and successful authorities who have been awarded grant funding will be informed by the end of May.
Funding will be awarded in blocks of between £300,000 and £500,000 will be paid out to between 30 and 50 local authorities to support programmes of work over the coming 24 months.
Any councils who are interested in submitting an application should contact LCRIG Secretariat Susanne Ingham at susanne.ingham@lcrig.org.uk