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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Keltbray Celebrates Net Zero Week with the release of its Carbon Reduction Plan

The 1st of July marked the start of Net Zero Week. To mark this globally recognised event, Keltbray are pleased to announce the release of our Carbon Reduction Plan, continuing our company wide journey towards Net Zero.

Understanding Net Zero

Net zero is our global response to combat climate change, aiming to eliminate all human-produced greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. Any remaining emissions are offset by schemes that remove an equivalent amount of GHGs.

Unlike ‘carbon neutral,’ which relies solely on offsetting emissions, net zero places greater emphasis on reducing emissions through energy efficiency measures. Offsetting is seen as a last resort for emissions that are challenging to eliminate.

Achieving net zero requires participation from global stakeholders, including governments, industries, and consumers.

Our Carbon Reduction Plan

Our Carbon Reduction Plan provides an in-depth overview of Keltbray’s carbon performance and outlines our strategies for addressing various aspects of our organisation and client offerings. It demonstrates our commitment to finding innovative solutions to achieve our Science Based Targets and offers a clear direction towards our long-term goal of reaching net zero by 2040.

The plan includes detailed case studies highlighting our carbon reduction projects, such as our fuel saving tournament, clean energy trials, site electrification and energy efficiency measures, waste reduction, circular economy initiatives and more.

Furthermore, the plan outlines our commitments to aligning with the 1.5°C Paris Agreement and achieving Net Zero by 2040. We have therefore set specific targets that align with the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi).

Our Science Based Targets

  • Reduce absolute Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 46.2%

  • Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 55% per £’m of GEVA 3by 2030 from a 2019 reference year

We are also actively providing workshops and training modules to familiarise our staff with carbon management and related terminology.

Chief Executive Officer, Darren James, emphasised: “As a society and as businesses, we cannot flourish on a dying planet. Therefore, we must take action now, listen to scientific advice, and redefine how we deliver sustainable development to prevent irreversible damage.”

While acknowledging that achieving net zero is a significant challenge for our business and the industry, we hope that this report solidifies our commitment to this globally recognised goal.

Find our Carbon Reduction Plan here.

To find out more about Net Zero Week, click here.

Net Zero Week are also hosting a series of live webinars, which can be found here.

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