It’s fair to say that the COVID-19 outbreak is testing companies in ways that they never thought possible. It’s also debatable that the current global pandemic has redirected businesses not only from an operational perspective, but also from a social angle.
One of the biggest adjustments, is the number of office-based employees now working from home and remaining indoors away from friends and family. Such a dramatic shift in our behaviours could affect our wellbeing and mental health. Long before the COVID-19 crisis, social technologies were a part of our job and our everyday lives, but today they are more than that.
Engage, connect and support
As an employer and understanding the potential ‘stress’ during uncertain times, Chevron are working to keep morale high. Today, digital communication represents a vital tool in our wellbeing and mental health, having an impact on how we are feeling and how well we are in our daily activities. People at Chevron who are now operating from home, are now all connected using Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
They are being encouraged to take scheduled tea/coffee and biscuits breaks and hold video calls between team members to discuss anything other than business itself. This has been set up to ensure that employees do not feel isolated and showcase that even when working from home, Chevron are encouraging social communication, working relationships and friendships.
Tim Cockayne, Chevron CEO told us:
“We spend 60% of our days at work with staff who become friends as well as colleagues, so communication is key to keep these relationships strong and to build wellbeing for each other throughout what is a time of adjustment for many.”
Chevron Wellbeing Hub
Being an active advocate of Mental Health Awareness, Chevron have launched a new microsite – The Wellbeing HUB – Appointing mental health as a core priority, Chevron provides an open supportive culture for employees to access support and to enjoy a healthy life. With multiple categories to choose from, the HUB, provides not only useful information in regards of Work, Emotional & Physical Health and Family, but also tips and facts on how to cope and thrive in these current times.
The Wellbeing HUB is available to all and can be accessed via the Chevron website HERE
For more information contact Lisa Killinger, email: or call: 01844 354666