Charge Point Operator (CPO) Believ has become accredited to Carbon Neutral Britain, further demonstrating the company’s commitment to achieving a sustainable future and delivering cleaner air for all.
Believ engaged with Carbon Neutral Britain, the UK’s Leading Carbon Offsetting Initiative, as part of its ambition to measure and counteract its emissions produced directly and indirectly from its business activities. As a result, Believ has now not only been successful in becoming certified as a Carbon Neutral Business, but it has also met the extensive requirements of the ISO 14064 greenhouse gases certification and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy; granting further authority in Believ’s pursuit of sustainable business operation.
Both the ISO 14064 certification and GHG Protocol Emissions refer directly to best practice policy in reducing greenhouse gases through reporting direct and indirect emissions that derive from a business and its wider operation.
Within the 12-month assessment period, it was found that the majority (78%) of Believ’s emissions derived from its Scope 3 emissions, occurring from staff commuting to and from work*, although energy usage from home was also calculated to take into account hybrid working and used in the total figure of business emissions. Just 2% of Believ’s total emissions originated from the company’s direct impact on the environment, highlighting its focus on implementing sustainability at all levels of its business operation.
Guy Bartlett, CEO at Believ, described the accreditation as a significant achievement: “It demonstrates that sustainability is intrinsic to everything we do. In being Carbon Neutral, we can assure our partners that they are working with a supplier that puts the environment first, throughout our entire supply chain, in pursuit of our mission to deliver cleaner air for all.”
Carbon Neutral Britain works with businesses to identify and offset their carbon emissions by investing in renewable energy and nature-based projects around the world, through its internationally certified delivery partner the Carbon Neutral Britain Woodland Fund™. These projects include rewilding inarable land, installing energy efficient lighting and planting trees within reforesting programmes, one of the most sustainable ways to capture carbon.
*Vehicle emissions were calculated using Defra vehicle categories and HM Government Emissions Factors. Scope 3 inbound and outbound delivery emissions were calculated using estimated weight and distance, using UK DEFRA freight emission factors for the predominant delivery type. Transmission and distribution losses associated with electricity usage, as well as ‘well-to-tank' emissions from combustion fuels were also included in the assessment.