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Anusha Shah confirmed as 159th ICE president

Shah will take over the ICE presidency from Keith Howells for the 2023-24 session, ICE Council has confirmed. 

Professor Anusha Shah, current ICE Senior Vice President, has been officially elected as the next president by ICE Council and will succeed Keith Howells in November 2023.Shah was initially put forward as a potential candidate for the 2023-24 presidency by the Nomination Committee in January 2022 and confirmed by the council in April 2022

.The council has now formally elected her to serve for the session.Shah is a member of the ICE Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Committee and was the co-chair of ICE London and the South East Diversity Task Force.

Other examples of her involvement in the institution include:youngest and first female chair of the ICE London region in 2010general council member and trustee of the ICE for two consecutive termsnon-executive director of the Thomas Telford Boardmember of the ICE Executive Boardmember of the ICE Research & Development Panelmember of the ICE Qualifications panel

Shah’s background

She is a senior director for resilient cities and the UK climate adaptation lead at Arcadis.She’s currently seconded to Effiage, Kier, Ferrovial and BAM Nuttall joint venture on High Speed 2 as senior director of environmental consents.

Shah’s also a non-executive director at the Met Office, UK and is a Royal Academy of Engineering visiting professor at King’s College London on climate adaptation, sustainability and inclusive design.Furthermore, in 2021, she was given an honorary professorship for knowledge transfer by the University of Wolverhampton and a doctorate for her services to climate change in engineering by the University of East London

.Shah is also a visiting professor at the University of Edinburgh and has been invited for lectures at Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cambridge.Shah has specialisation in water and environmental engineering with over 22 years’ experience in designing, managing and leading projects and programmes both in the UK and internationally.

She has received several awards including the 2020 Top 50 UK Women Engineers Sustainability Award and CECA FIR Inspiring Engineers Award 2019.She’s regularly invited to panel discussions and to deliver keynote speeches at various high profile industry events.Shah was recognized by Climate Reframe as one of the UK’s leading BAME voices on climate change.

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