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Amey lead the way in our sector adopting suicide prevention tool R;pple

Writer's picture: Safer Highways Safer Highways

Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK, suicide rates amongst construction workers in the UK are over three times the national average and suicides among teenage girls and young women have almost doubled in recent years!

By talking about suicide, we can save lives. Whether you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or someone in your life is maybe experiencing suicidal thoughts, or at risk of suicide, don’t be afraid to start the conversation.

Recognising how suicide can impact the workplace and how organisations can raise awareness around suicide and suicide prevention, is critical to saving lives. Encouraging understanding and sharing experiences creates a culture where people have the confidence to take speak up and ask for help which is a sign of strength not weakness.

At Amey, we’ve been raising awareness on suicide prevention and speaking out about the importance of starting a conversation with colleagues, friends, or family, if you notice changes in behaviour or have concerns about someone. We’ve produced and shared a guide with our employees which helps people: identify warning signs that someone may be having suicidal thoughts; understand why using the correct language is important; be prepared if you find yourself having a conversation around suicide and be aware of what support is available. We’ve also provided training for colleagues to have these important conversations safely.

We’ve recently deployed R;pple across our IT network meaning that if anyone searches for harmful content on our network/an Amey PC they’ll be signposted to help and support 24/7, giving them encouragement and hope and potentially saving a life.

With the heightened risk that suicide poses within the industries we work in, I’m really pleased to see that Amey is taking #BolderSteps to be an early adopter, within our sectors, of R;pple.

We can be a part of changing this narrative. We can make sure that people know that they are important, their life matters and there is help available.

Look after yourselves and your loved ones and if you do one thing today tell someone you know about R;pple – it’s free for everyone to download and could save a life.

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