The City of Wolverhampton Council has put out a call to contractors to bid for a place on a £20M framework for highways structure repairs across the West Midlands.
In partnership with the West Midlands Collaborative, Wolverhampton’s tender will cover structure repairs on highways for Coventry City Council and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull and Walsall.
The tender states that the works associated with the contract will compromise the inspection, maintenance, repair and strengthening of highway structures.
This works will include tasks on highway over bridges, highway under bridges, footbridges, subways, retaining walls, culverts, fences and safety barriers.
Works for the contract do not include the maintenance and repair of highways except where specifically necessitated by bridge maintenance works.
The tender is split into two different lots, Lot 1 comprises highways structures works in the value region £1 to £100,000, with Lot 2 involving works to highways structures with a value between £100,000 and £500,000. A contractor may be awarded both lots if successful.
The contract will last four years without being subject to renewal.
All those looking to bid for the contract have until 12pm on 12 January.