The Road Safety Framework to 2030 sets out a compelling long-term vision for road safety, Vision Zero, where there are zero fatalities and serious injuries on Scotland’s roads by 2050.
The journey to achieving this vision will also include ambitious interim targets where the number of people being killed or seriously injured on our roads will be halved by 2030.
Five strategic outcomes
The Framework sets out five strategic outcomes which describe the road safety environment it aims to deliver. These outcomes align with the five pillars of the Safe System:
Safe Road Use;
Safe Vehicles;
Safe Speeds;
Safe Roads and Roadsides;
Post-crash Response.
The new Framework has the long-term goal of moving close to zero fatalities and serious injuries in road transport by 2050.
To help achieve our vision, we are pleased to announce the launch of Scotland’s Road Safety Funding round for 2021. Applications close on 7 March 2022.
The Road Safety Framework Fund
The Road Safety Framework Fund is designed to promote and encourage further partnership working to help ensure the delivery of the commitments in Scotland, which seeks to steadily reduce the numbers of people killed and seriously injured on our roads.
All projects and activities will be considered on a case by case basis, with those being deemed the most beneficial to the road safety framework ranked the highest.
Funding is subject to the road safety framework funds being made available each financial year.
The Road Safety Evaluation Fund
The Road Safety Evaluation Fund is open to all road safety partners and organisations (both public and professional associations), registered charities and university departments across Scotland.
Private commercial enterprise, Community Interest Companies and not for profit businesses will be considered for funding providing that it can be demonstrated that the schemes or initiatives proposed are for charitable activity and for the public benefit and meet the road safety evaluation fund criteria.
Funding is subject to the road safety framework funds being made available each financial year.
Read more here