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Surrey County Council become latest local authority member of Safer Highways.

Surrey County Council has become the latest local authority member of Safer Highways.

The county council is the recent addition to a long line of new members and join North Yorkshire Highways, Wiltshire Council and Via East Midlands as local authority associate members.

Surrey CC will help Safer Highways with campaigns such as Stamp It Out-the organisation’s industry-led initiative set up to eradicate road worker abuse and to help shape future campaigns, programmes and initiatives. As well as Stamp It Out, other programmes this year include; mental health including the Big Conversation about Mental Health series, the Thriving at Work survey and Mental Health Summit, service strikes, drugs and alcohol and people/plant interface.

“We are really excited to be joining Safer Highways to work collaboratively across the sector to improve health safety and wellbeing for all those working on and operating our road networks,” said Simon Duke, Group Manager, Infrastructure & Major Projects at Surrey County Council.

Kevin Robinson, Chief Executive of Safer Highways added: “I am pleased to welcome Surrey CC to a growing list of local authorities that see that Safer Highways is trying to make a difference to the health, safety and wellbeing of those that work on our local roads as well as our strategic network. It means we have even more support in our mission for the highways sector to be the beacon of best practice for this on-going work to make our networks safer for those working and travelling on them.”

By becoming members of Safer Highways local authorities get the chance to have their say on how the public highway can become safer for all and how its successful series of health, safety and wellbeing programmes will be developed in the future.

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