Impressive carbon-saving and cost-saving results have been achieved in a programme of 31 footway resurfacing schemes in West Sussex.
More than 22,000 square metres of footpath were resurfaced by County Council contactor Rejuvo JPCS, including in Crawley, Horsham, Mid Sussex and Chichester.
If traditional asphalt methods had been used, 554 tonnes of CO2 emissions would have been produced, but by using cold-lay and other, more environmentally friendly methods, this was reduced to approximately 36 tonnes. There was also a 71 per cent cost-saving when compared with traditional methods (see graphic).
Peter Shone, Director at Rejuvo JPCS Limited, said: “We are delighted West Sussex County Council is using our services as a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME), employing local people and supply chains, in prolonging the life of footways in the county.
“Our tried and tested products involve minimal digging and removal of waste and our process is substantially reducing carbon emissions, whilst saving and strengthening the highway network.”
Joy Dennis, County Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “These are very impressive results. Say the words ‘highway resurfacing’ and you don’t always think of greener initiatives – but West Sussex Highways is working with its contractors to explore innovative ways of working, which dovetail perfectly with the council’s drive to reduce carbon emissions.
“Another recent example was the £1.5million A24 Washington bypass carriageway resurfacing scheme. This project used the latest technology, allowing the resurfacing materials to be mixed at much lower temperatures than conventional asphalt. Also, recycled material recovered from other West Sussex roads was utilised.”