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Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Sisk wins £69m Blubberhouses road fix

North Yorkshire County Council has selected John Sisk & Son as main contractor for the re-alignment of the A59 at Kex Gill, mid-way between Skipton and Harrogate.

Grant funding of £56.1m was approved by the DfT last year, against the original budget estimate of £61.6m, with the remainder to be plugged by the county council’s capital reserves. Following tender returns, the estimated cost of the project has increased by £7.2m to £68.8m due to inflation. The county council executive has approved an increase in its allocated funding from £5.5m to £12.7m, given that the DfT grant is fixed. County councillor Nathan Hull said: “There’s light at the end of the tunnel with this project now that we have a preferred contractor and a start date in mind. The re-aligned route, which will leave the A59 at North Moor Road and re-join the existing road at Blubberhouses, will be safe and reliable for residents, businesses and visitors for generations to come.”

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