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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Safer Highways Launches Brand New Website

Have you seen our new website?

Safer Highways is thrilled to announce the launch of our new website. We have been working with the team at LVE THT with the aim of an easily accessible design whilst looking fresh and modern, we think we’ve achieved just that!

As the first of its kind for the organisation, the website now reflects the way in which we engage with news and multimedia content. As more and more people use their mobile phones and mobile devices to engage, this is the first time we have designed our website specifically on how it laid out on a mobile phone.

Charlie McNeill Love - Managing Director LVE THT comments 'Building Safer Highways’ new website and working alongside their team has been nothing but a wonderful experience for the LVE THT Team. They knew what they wanted to achieve with their new website update. So it was exciting for us to make their vision a reality.

Their attention to detail on all aspects of the build, from design to the user journey, emphasises their absolute desire to give their users the best possible experience.

We are looking forward to working with Safer Highways on more exciting projects and what we built for them to date; we are incredibly proud of as an agency.

The launch of the new website marks the first of a series of innovative initiatives around our social media and digital content. Over the coming months we are excited to announce the launch of our brand-new safer highways app which will be available to download from the Apple App Store and Google. Also, by the end of the year our website will play host to the brand-new SH Portal TM, a full functioning resource hub for best practice across our industry. The portal will also draw on established best practice from outside the highways sector to deliver on our vision that out membership and industry becomes seen as market leaders.

Check out our new website here.

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