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RSTA announced as first partner for Safer Local Highways Hub at SHL!ve

Writer's picture: Safer HighwaysSafer Highways

Safer Highways is pleased to announced the Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) as the first partner organisation that will help deliver its Safer Local Highways Hub at next year’s SH L!ve.

As an interactive content hub, it will play host to a number of industry leaders who will speak about how technology and new ways of working is delivering safer roads for road workers and road users.

The hub will bring together industry associations with Safer Highways’ growing list of local authority members to deliver content focused on thought leadership and best practice.

Paul Boss, Chief Executive of the RSTA said: “The RSTA is very pleased to offer its support with this content hub at the SH L!ve event, further cementing the relationship between the two organisations and delivering a real focus on the good work that is going on to make local roads safer. Safer Highways should be applauded for the awareness it is bringing to health, safety and wellbeing in the industry, which fits in with a major part of the RSTA’s three-year strategy. Competence and safety on road projects are essential. Working on the road network is often hazardous and the RSTA encourages all working practice that reduces the risk to workers and drivers.”

Safer Highways Chief Executive, Kevin Robinson said: “This content hub, one of many at SH L!ve that we announce over the year, embodies the true spirit of the event and of Safer Highways and will see a number of industry membership organisations collaborating together without any commercial bias to deliver content that is relevant to the broader highways industry as well as those involved in health, safety and wellbeing all the way from director level to the teams of operatives who work on the local and strategic network.”

SH L!ve, is a complete fusion event of both in iterative displays and a series of exhibitors who truly have something to offer in the innovation space around heath, safety and wellbeing and is taking place on June 8th and 9th at the Evolution London in Battersea Park.

The event is made up of indoor and outdoor exhibition zones showcasing the latest innovation, products, concepts and services in the health, safety and wellbeing sector, alongside several unique feature areas that will bring all the latest insight. It could be one of the first times the industry gets together in the highways industry after a series of cancelled events in 2021 due to the on-going pandemic and lockdown restrictions.

The event will bring together directors, managers and operatives working on both the strategic and local networks to help take forward the Safer Highways initiative of creating a safer road network for both road workers and road users. Safer Highways’ work is focusing on helping the highways sector become the beacon of best practice for the good management of all health, safety and wellbeing issues, and that other sectors look to us as leaders in this field.

It remains the only FREE TO ATTEND industry-wide fully inclusive event targeted at those who are responsible for carrying out works on our public highways safely.

SHL!ve will feature the following:

*A unique outdoor innovation trail showcasing the finest in new thinking from across the supply


*Interactive and immersive learning sessions enabling attendees to disseminate best practice

throughout their own organisations post event.

*Interactive features And peer to peer learning zones

*Industry leading thought leaders Conducting workshops on how to become a high performance

member of a team.

*Taster sessions of training courses.

Already confirmed for the event are leading contractors such as Amey, Balfour Beatty, Kier, Galliford Try, Tarmac, Interserve and Morgan Sindall as well as WJ Group, SRL and many others as Safer Highways continues to increase its membership. Alongside this, several thought leaders will give their latest views, ideas and thinking on how to take forward the latest innovations and learning and apply it best to our sector.

For more information on the event visit

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