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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Roocroft | Community challenge alongside HE Area 9 Alliance supports local communities

The Highways England Area 9 Alliance members were set a Christmas Challenge to help local communities and foster the spirit of collaboration between the 15 members.

The organisations each donated £1000 to the initiative and were split into three groups and given two weeks to deliver their projects, with the winners having the lions share of the remaining pot to donate to their chosen charity.

Team Synergy consisted of representatives from HE delivery partners Camps Highways, Carnell, CLM, Roocroft and USL Ekspan.

Team captain Chris Davies commented:

“We looked to think creatively involving those who have been affected by the covid crisis. As well as the direct effects the virus has had on people’s lives, we know the toll it has taken on mental wellbeing, reduced charitable donations and how it has devastated the arts industry. We sought to combine these aspects by creating murals both to raise awareness of a number of charities and brighten up the environment at one of the charity projects. We engaged with Art4Charity in Birmingham who connected us with a street artist and delivered the project at Solihull Mind. While on site, our team carried out maintenance activities around the site to improve their facilities.”

Dave Skerrett, Chair of Board of Trustees at the Mind, Solihull said:

“We are delighted to have been chosen to be the charity supported by Team 5ynergy. In addition to the kindly donated funds to our charity, the mural to our horticulture project site both promotes mental health awareness with the wider public and benefits the wellbeing of all.”

The legacy from the Highways England Area 9 Alliance will continue through sales of the artwork which is being printed, framed and signed by the artist to sell to community members and beyond which will generate increased funds for the charity.

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