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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Road accidents still linked to deprivation, TfL tool shows

An "inequalities dashboard" has been launched by Transport for London (TfL) to demonstrate a link between deprivation and road traffic injuries.

The online tool will be a "powerful tool" for communities to make the roads safer, TfL said.

A related report found the most at-risk group was young male motorcyclists in the poorest parts of the capital.

TfL said the risk of injury or death on the city's roads "is an urgent public health issue".

Available data runs from 2017 up to the end of 2022 and will be updated annually.

Inequalities in Road Danger Dashboard

The inequalities in road danger in London (2017-2021) report, published last year, found that the more deprived the area, the higher the risk that someone travelling in that area will be seriously injured or killed in a road traffic collision there - but also that the more deprived the area someone lives in, the higher the risk they will be injured or killed in a road traffic collision wherever they are travelling in London.

People from the most deprived home postcodes had nearly double the risk of people from the least deprived.

Rezina Chowdhury from Lambeth Council said: "Road danger is a social justice issue, and we are past the point where it's enough to just ask motorists to slow down or pedestrians to look both ways when crossing a road.

"It is about making sure in the future streets are designed with road safety built in, making them more equal and less dominated by motor traffic."

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