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Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Radar-detected pedestrian warnings delivered in-car for first time

Connected vehicle experts have successfully linked real time radar pedestrian detection and in-car signage for the first time, delivering a significant improvement in road safety.

In the TTF demonstration zone at the LCRIG Innovation Festival in Newark, the Navtech Radar monitoring hardware was linked to a car’s head unit via KL Systems software.

Once a person at a crossing is identified, a message to warn a driver of a pedestrian ahead was displayed, with an accompanying audio message, in-car within two seconds.

“The KL Systems software delivers in-car virtual signs, either mirroring what is displayed on the roadside, or creating completely new alerts,” explained company founder George Brown.

“By linking into the Navtech Radar system we are able to almost instantly warn other drivers of a pedestrian. The next step, which is eminently do-able, is to link in with the company’s stopped vehicle detection technology, which would be a game-changer for safety on roads such as smart motorways.”

Louise Early, Marketing & Commercial Director of Navtech Radar added: “Innovation is in our DNA as an organisation. We’re excited to be here to share the capabilities of our radar technology here at the Innovation Festival and to demonstrate our market leading SVD, wrong way driving and pedestrian detection — today coupled with the extra capabilities of the KL Systems software — and how it advances safety on any road.”

“The Innovation Festival is all about showing off the latest technology,” added the Transport Technology Forum’s Connected Vehicle Working Group chair Andy Graham of White Willow Consulting, “And given the software linking the two systems was only written last night, I think we can say that this is the definition of “latest”!

We are looking forward to showing off this technology as well as innovations in pedestrian, road layout, roadworks and cyclist warnings, along with eCall and parking technology. I invite everyone at the Innovation Festival to come and see just how connected vehicle technology is delivering safer and more efficient roads right now, and hope this event leads to a bigger take-up in these solutions.”

The Innovation Festival brings together local authorities, central government, the supply chain, associations and academia to see the latest ideas in highways maintenance and transport technology. This year’s overarching theme is “Showcasing emerging technology and maintenance solutions”.

More than 175 local authority delegates from 70 authorities are attending, meaning around than two-thirds of all the English highway authorities outside London are represented. This is along with nearly 90 exhibitors. As well as the TTF demonstrations, there are 14 demonstrations in the road maintenance innovations area.

The TTF demonstrations are supported by White Willow Consulting, KL Systems, SRL, Crystal Driver, Navtech Radar, Portsmouth City Council and Grid Smarter Cities.

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