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Writer's pictureSafer Highways

National Highways release video of M25 Incursion which could have resulted in a fatality

Shocking high speed incursion on M25 released released

National Highways, through the IPV and Incursions working group have released frightening footage of an incident on the M25.

The incident happened at 1.52am on the M25 on 15th November 2022 as a result of a police pursuit.

As per protocol the police vehicle abandoned the chase when it became aware of the approaching roadworks.

Sadly the vehicle ploughed into barriers at speeds estimated to be approaching 100 mph, triggering an incursion alarm.

Upsteam of the incident, due to the speed of the vehicle, operatives were forced to take evasive action resulting in what could have resulted in a fatality.

As a result of striking the barrier the vehicle sent objects into the other carriageway posing massive risk to road users as well as the workforce working within the closure.

Speaking on social media, James Haluch, chair of the IPV and Incursions working group, with the full support of National Highways, Connect Plus, Milestone (contractor) and Chevron (TM Contractor) said,

" The unacceptable risks our roadworkers face every day ... 112 reported incursions into roadworks in January 2023 on the Strategic Road Network ( which is only 2% of all roads in England."

"January 2023 also saw 2 IPV strikes (the large vehicles with crash cushions at the back) and 9 blue light incursions where emergency vehicles has come unexpectedly through the works without escort."

Echoing these sentiments Kevin Robinson, CEO of Safer Highways said,

"The inherent risk to our workforce on a day on day basis is ridiculously high.

"What other industry would put people to work in a high speed environment such as the strategic road network behind nothing but a plastic barrier or a line of one meter high orange cones.

" Every day we see these incident happening and our workforce playing jeopardy as they got about their duties.

"It is good to see the client, in National Highways, taking the issue seriously and indeed putting into place processes which, I hope, in the future will offer greater protection."

The National Highways industry working group and the Supply Chain Safety Leadership Group have produced 'Raising the Bar' documents and industry guidance which define and identify bst practice around preventing and managing incursions

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