More than 200 drivers have crossed bollards into a A19 roadworks construction site in just two months
The incursions happened on the A19 between Norton and Wynyard, where work is being carried out to increase the dual carriageway to three lanes in both directions, reports the Hartlepool Mail.
The story said that as a result, the team working on the job have lost 24 hours of working hours on the project.
Nearly all the incursions happened during the day, with one per cent in the dark, while most of the drivers said they thought it was the Norton or Wynyard exit-slip road, followed work vehicles, or followed other non-work vehicles into the restricted area.
Highways England project manager Keith Bradley said: “Drivers who have entered our workspace mainly seem confused, and possibly on ‘auto-pilot’ when they approach the area, which is clearly signed.
“Unlike other schemes that have seen a lot of incursions, the majority here are doing it by accident. We have seen incidents where people have been speeding or not slowing down, which has put the workforce at risk. The project itself is also suffering because we’ve lost 24 hours due to downing tools to ensure the safety of the drivers involved.”
A number of measures, supported by Middlesbrough Council, have been put in place.