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  • Writer's pictureSafer Highways

Groundbreaking Stamp it Out app moves a step closer

Groundbreaking free to access reporting app around abuse and incursions to enter phase one trials within next few weeks.

The groundbreaking Stamp it Out app, designed to enable all those who work within the transportation sector to report abuse and incursions is to go into phase one Minimal Viable Product (MVP) trials within the next few weeks.

Based upon the hugely successful Notify IM platform, the app will be a first, as it will enable all front line operatives whom we put to work to report instances of abuse and incursions relatively quickly (45 seconds per report) and in real time.

Stamp it Out, last week announced Notify Technology as it preferred partner for the delivery of the software solution and such has been the progress in the short space of time since initial engagement we are now delighted to announce that we begin trials in just a number of weeks.

The app, which will be free to download from both the google and App Store - completely free - has been endorsed by many tier one contractors as well as client organisations, one of whom is Transport Scotland, responsible for running the trunk road network north of the border.

Expressing her delight about the announcement Freya Wells, Chief Operating Officer at Safer Highways said,

"The development of the app has long been an ambition of Stamp it Out in order that we are able to level the playing field and effectively make the process of reporting one which is

accessible to all.

"In its first iteration for MVP trials we will continue to use Notify Technology's current Notify IM platform with modifications to ensure that what we deliver is fit for purpose; however, following on from this we will deliver the fully fledged app later in the year, which will be accessible to all."

"The process has been extensive to ensure we deliver maximum benefit to all stakeholders, and as such I am extremely proud of the progress we have made to date."

The app will premier at our #respectourroadworkers event, delivered in partnership with Transport Scotland on 21st June in its primary form and by the #bigidea live final on 29th September, at Innovation Birmingham, will be seen in a more finalised format, giving industry leaders a chance to understand how this can compliment their own systems and indeed integrate it into them.

Following on from this it will be deployed via a phased roll out across, first, on the Scottish Trunk Road network followed by a full deployment across both the strategic and local road network in England.

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