FM Conway unveil a new approach to Health and Safety and risk with their Big 10 in 10.
FM Conway have unveiled their 'Big10 in 10" approach to eliminating risk from their business within the next 10 years.
The 10 year strategy, is designed to prioritise to 10 most significant risks to the business and strive for their elimination to ensure that every one of their workforce goes home safe every day.
The philosophy adopts a unique approach which addresses the fundamental principals of health and safety addressing the 10 key risks facing the FM Conway business by providing engineering or elimination controls.
By reviewing historical data and mapping with industry trends the organisation were able to evidence that an accident was still possible; even when all KPI's around risk were green.
Organisationally, FM Conway then undertook a comprehensive risk profile analysis across the whole business, engaging with operational teams to examine what they perceived to be the biggest risk to life in their daily activities.
By triangulating their own own organisational data with that available to them from industry a completely new approach was formulated, with the focus being ONLY on high risk activities.