People are being urged to join the Active Travel conversation and have a further say on proposals to boost cycling and walking provision in Shoreham.
Public consultation has just started on proposals for a permanent cycleway in Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham, between the Old Shoreham Tollbridge and Holmbush Roundabout. They are part of West Sussex County Council’s active travel improvement suggestions, aiming to:
make walking and cycling to work, education and leisure activities more attractive
improve health and wellbeing by offering eco-friendly travel choices
broaden travel choices by offering safer, easy walking and cycling options, particularly for short journeys
support zero emission journeys and reduce reliance on car travel.
Opinions are being sought on the layout of a permanent cycleway in Upper Shoreham Road, with either:
A single direction cycleway on both sides of Upper Shoreham Road, separate from the adjacent pavement, or
A two-way cycleway on the south side only of Upper Shoreham Road, again separate from the adjacent pavement.
Feedback is also invited on the concept of making Middle Road and Eastern Avenue more appealing to pedestrians and cyclists by reducing the impact of traffic.
You can have your say at and the consultation runs until 1 August. Anyone without internet access, or who needs the questionnaire in an alternative format, such as large print or Braille, can contact us on 01243 642105.
In March, a pre-consultation survey on active travel in Shoreham received 1,200 responses, with a further 913 people using an interactive mapping tool to provide comment. Overall, it showed strong support for improvements to walking and cycling facilities in the town and we would like to thank everyone who provided that initial feedback: now we would welcome people’s views on the specific proposals.