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COVID-19 – Update from HE 27/03/2020

Please find below the latest statement from Malcolm Dare, Executive Director, Commercial and Procurement, Highways England

Hello, Following my recent e-mails, I am writing to keep you informed of Highways England’s ongoing approach to the C-19 challenges. Our direction and guiding principles have not changed and, from the supply chain perspective, we are continuing to operate in a business as usual way for the foreseeable future to ensure that we continue to keep the SRN operating to support the country and to flow cash to all tiers of the supply chain. I would like to update you on the following areas:

  • Latest Government Advice ref. the Construction Industry: The Government have been clear, the construction industry should continue to operate in accordance with the Public Health England and industry guidance. They have also made it clear that travel is not restricted to just key workers and it is permitted where necessary (e.g.) for construction workers operating on sites. This fully supports our approach of continuing to operate as close to business as usual as possible, therefore please continue with all activities (not just safety critical activities) while observing the published guidance.

  • Key Worker Letters: These are now available and have been issued to over 150 companies. Please follow the guidance published on 24-03-2020 so that your company can quickly receive one if required.

  • Problem Solving: We are beginning to see challenges emerging where cross supplier solutions will benefit all parties (e.g.) temporary traffic management. I strongly encourage parties to work together and use trade associations to recommend balanced risk assessed solutions that can be pragmatically adopted across the SRN. It is essential that we continue to operate as close to business as usual as possible and continue with all activities (not just safety critical) while observing the published guidance.

For any questions please continue to use the e-mail address.

Please continue to keep us fully informed of any business challenges that you believe could occur, or you are experiencing, so that we can ensure a coordinated Highways England and supply chain response. Please also continue to work with your normal points of contact within Highways England on a daily basis.

Malcolm. Malcolm Dare Executive Director, Commercial & Procurement Highways England | Bridge House | 1 Walnut Tree Close | Guildford | Surrey |GU1 4LZ”

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