The Construction Leadership Council is calling on contractors to adopt a consistent approach across the industry in the relaxation of social distancing and wearing face masks.
Industry leaders are urging contractors to continue to supply and expect workers to wear face masks in enclosed spaces like welfare facilities, site offices and meeting rooms when people mix with others they don’t normally meet.
The official Government position remain that face coverings should be worn in crowded and enclosed spaces, such as public transport, when people mix with strangers.
Other than this the use of face coverings or extra PPE is not required in response to coronavirus while carrying out construction activities, and the Government guidance on Working safely during coronavirus – Construction and other outdoor work states that:
‘Workplaces should not encourage the precautionary use of extra PPE to protect against COVID-19 outside clinical settings or when responding to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
The lifting of the remaining legal restrictions, including social distancing requirements, from 19 July 2021 means the CLC guidance for Site Operating Procedures will no longer be current.
CLC said: “The Site Operating Procedures and Branch Operating Procedures have helped the industry to adopt some good practices over the last 18 months, including more organised sites, enhanced welfare facilities, increased ventilation and improved communication with the workforce, which the CLC would strongly recommend are retained.
“We recognise that businesses across the supply chain have welcomed the consistency that the CLC guidance has provided.
“They may choose, or be asked, to maintain elements of social distancing for the time being, in which case the Site Operating Procedures and Branch Operating Procedures should continue to be followed.”
(Credit: Aaron Morby.