Zane Chetty, originally from South Africa, lives in Dunfermline with his wife and two children. He is one of Amey’s Authorised Persons in the National Housing contract and works closely with Amey’s gas and electrical engineers to make sure that any work carried out in UK Service family homes is safe and compliant.
Growing up in South Africa, Zane brought to the popular cooking show his culinary skills and was able to showcase his love for the country’s varied cuisines, which reflect the diverse traditions of various communities that live there.
“People assume that South African food is all meat and barbecues but it’s mostly fusion. I have always cooked everything from scratch so all I had to do was to practice putting all the ingredients together in the time we were given.”
While Zane has his eyes firmly set on being crowned this year’s MasterChef champion, he also found time to fundraise for Red Nose Day 2021. He has offered generous donors the chance to win a delicious three-course meal cooked and delivered by himself to their doorstep. He also held a running drive-through food stall in Duloch, where more than 70 people were able to sample his food in exchange for a small donation.
“I love my job in Amey Defence but in the future, I would really like to follow my dream and open a restaurant; it’ll definitely be South African fusion food. I’ve also started to write a recipe book. Being on MasterChef has provided me with a platform to take my love of cooking to another level and I’m passionate about it”.
Zane appeared in MasterChef episode 7 which is still available to view on BBC iPlayer.
And if you need some inspiration in the kitchen, you can also follow Zane’s Instagram page; @chef_zane_chetty