Latest financial results from Galliford try show a substantial drop in bottom-line profit but an even greater improvement in its trading position.
Chief executive Bill Hocking For the year to 30th June 2022 Galliford Try made a pre-tax profit of £5.4m, down from £11.4m the previous year, on turnover up 10% to £1,237m (2021: £1,125m). This result includes an exceptional £7.7m cost relating to the acquisition of NMCN's water business (even though the actual purchase price was only £1m) and £6m spent on a new cloud-based IT system.
Underlying profits, therefore, were up 68%, at £19.1m. The operating profit margin improved in the building division from 2.0% to 2.4% and in the infrastructure division from 1.8% to 2.4%. Building (which includes the FM business) generated revenue of £789.1m (2021: £789.2m), generating an operating profit before amortisation of £18.9m (2021: £15.9m). Building's order book stands at £2,047m, compared to £1,920m last year.