A £25m scheme to improve a key commuter route through Somerset has seen its costs soar - with cash-strapped council chiefs facing having to make up some of the shortfall.
The Major Road Network (MRN) scheme sets out a series of improvements for the A38, a route used by tens of thousands of people each day.
The councils hope to win funding for the project from the Government’s National Roads Fund of £28.8bn - £3.5bn of which will be spent on improving local roads. The scheme - being carried out in partnership with North Somerset Council and Somerset Council - focuses on ten locations along the A38 between the Barrow Street junction at Barrow Tanks and the Edithmead roundabout at junction 22 of the M5.
The blueprint includes plans to improve safety at the Barrow Street junction and install a new cycle lane and pedestrian facilities. Other proposals include improvements to the silver zone roundabout near Bristol Airport, with new pedestrian and cycling facilities and widening the carriageway to provide a designated bus lane to reduce